But, successfully planning and installing a wind turbine is hard -- the hardest of the common renewable energy projects. You really need to do your homework carefully to achieve a successful wind turbine installation.

Wind Power for Dummies is the best book that I've found to get across all the things that you need to consider to do a wind turbine installation, and the concrete information to help you pull it off.
Ian Woofenden has been doing residential wind power for many years. He conducts wind power workshops from his wind powered home in the San Jaun's, and he has been the wind expert and editor and author for Home Power for many years -- he knows his stuff, and he writes well.
One area the book does not cover in depth is building your own wind turbine, there are other good books for this...
If you want to know whether wind can work for you, and how to go about pulling off a successful installation, this is the book to start with.