Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some New Stuff

This is just a collection of some interesting (at least to me) items added tot he site over the last week or so....

Harvesting Fresh Water From Fog
Areas with regular daily fogs (e.g. some coastal areas) can harvest impressive amounts of FogHarvesting.jpgfresh water from the fog.  Nets catch the fog and then channel droplets from the fog into a catch basin. 


Booklet on "Hot Water From Your Woodstove"
This is a good 45 page booklet from Lehman's describing a couple systems for adding a heatWoodStoveHotWater.jpg exchanger coil to the firebox in your woodstove to heat water.  Good detail on both thermosyphon and pumped systems, and lots of information on troubleshooting and doing the installation safetly.


Skysails -- Kites for Towing Ships
These are large kites that can be deployed under favorable wind conditions to reduce fuel SkySails.jpgconsumption.  With favorable winds, fuel consumption can be reduced as much as 50%.
Operation of the Skysails is largely automatic.


Homes From Cylindrical Grain Storage Bins
A collection of links to homes made from cylindrical steel grain bins.  These homes offer a GrainBinHomes.jpgthermally efficient shape, and some options for good insulation thickness -- plus and interesting look.

