Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nicely Done Pipe Coil Style Solar Pool Heater in Tuscany

This is a nicely designed and carefully constructed solar pool heater for a swimming pool in Tuscany.

Quite a bit of detail is provided on the construction and the performance.  
The plumbing arrangement is particularly flexible.

The measured performance data indicate that the pipe coils achieve the same efficiency per square foot of area as conventional rubber mat style pool heating collectors.

I think that a trip to Tuscany to do field research on this is required :)

Closeup of one of the pipe coils.

The plumbing layout for the pipe coils.
Direct link to all the details on the Tuscany pool heater...
Thanks very much to Steve for suggesting this.

Quite a few other DIY Pool heating collector detailed descriptions...

The Build-It-Solar solar pool heating page...
